
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I Network)

The HPCA ED&I Network, plays a crucial role in advancing equality, diversity, and inclusion principles within the NHS Project Profession. Established by the NHS Project Futures Programme, the ED&I Network is a voluntary group comprising members from various healthcare sectors, committed to promoting ED&I in organisational decision-making within the project and change management profession.

The network is an integral part of HPCA, which aims to create a coordinated Project Profession within the NHS, specifically focusing on integrating ED&I principles into the development and delivery of the Project Profession vision

Our ED&I Mission

To build sustainable project and change capability at national and regional levels, ensuring effective delivery of the NHS change agenda while providing rewarding careers and development opportunities for NHS staff!

We actively encourages members to contribute to meetings, share relevant insights, collaborate with stakeholders, and participate in horizon scanning. By fostering an inclusive environment, celebrating diversity, and valuing individual contributions, the network aims to play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of the NHS Project Profession while upholding ED&I principles.

Talent Timebanking

In partnership with NHS England London Talent Team, we have launched a campaign with an EDI focus for the Project and Change profession on the NHSE - London Talent Team Talent Timebanking platform. 

Talent Timebanking is a unique, inclusive platform - providing opportunity to all of its members to proactively shape and control their careers, empowering colleagues across health and social care to reach their potential.

Offering your time - Register to become a member of Talent Timebanking, tag your profile to each campaign to show your support and add an offer for career conversations, career coaching, mentoring, Interview support, CV and application support.
Advocacy – Help us to spread awareness about these campaigns with your own London networks, colleagues and via social media.

The Role of ED&I

The ED&I Network serves as a platform for volunteers across the healthcare system to actively contribute to the success of the NHS Project Profession Programme by providing scrutiny, insight, advice, and guidance on ED&I matters.

Role - EDI tile (1)


The network welcomes members from diverse backgrounds, roles, and levels of experience within the NHS project and change management community.


Members actively contribute to the network's objectives, participate in activities, and engage in respectful and inclusive discussions.

Key Functions

  • Provide Advisory and Commentary on the development and delivery of the five-year NHS Project Profession vision through an ED&I len
  • Identify and raise issues/concerns related to ED&I, including sharing lived experiences
  • Influence policy and strategy development to promote fairness and inclusivity within the Project Profession
  • Engage with stakeholders, act as a dialogue platform, and share best practices


  • Horizon-scanning for potential ED&I-related challenges or opportunities
  • Promote inclusivity, collaboration, and networking within the project and change management community.
  • Highlight successes and challenges, recognising achievements, and proposing innovative solutions
  • Share EDI intelligence, capturing, collecting, and disseminating best practices